Sunday, May 29, 2011

Analysis on Vertieres Monument Vandalized

Vertieres Monument had been Vandalize Not stolen. It's what was taking that was very interesting to me. "Two Swords" and "the flange of of the horse of François Capois, nicknamed "Capois La Mort". Interesting, right Yes or No, to my conscious Haitian. Now, the tail they want to spin is that a person or a group metal scrappers are being scapegoated on . First, let  me tell "everyone" out there that I have seem , where that statue/Monument was . The poverty "that's" around it , is just heart breaking. The road to get there is horrible. 2 That monument seat on top of some little hill. Now, for all my non conscious Haitian, find you "some" bashing Haiti story cause this is not it.  My conscious ones, we all know of power points in a country, in "this" is one of them. Who ever had this done, wanted an object that mean something to Haiti. In boy , does the "Capois La Mort" means a lot to very well educated, conscious Haitian.  Especially those who view themselves as branches of that tree. Now, we know for a long time, Haiti have been under insult by foreigners, a.k.a international that chose to pick a bone with Haiti, for matters "that" has nothing to do with them as peoples, other than being a low down dirty dog.  Who every had this job done, is a collector of old object or enjoin removing things that mean something to a nation. Believe it or not, this was a well taught out "psychological war" on the Haitian in Haiti and world wide. This was done, on purpose, a master plan thinker "who" loaves Haiti.  "Who" dare to seek light ?  What I hate the most is this hog wash  story,  of people looking for metal; did this, Nonsense. How, long had the monument been around those poor peoples in that area in they never stolen or hurt their history in a statue form. shaking my head. Yeah , the master mind behind this crime , cook up that story,  cause he/she/they think Haitian are dumb as fart, and they will "fellow"  any kind of hog wash  story. There is too much history in those statue, for it to have been hurt by the peoples. If not any thing the peoples , love to point in talk about that statue cause it was the only thing in that small town 45 mintues outside Okap had, that was wroth something in their eye sight, they were too proud of that Dam statue to hurt it.  By taking a sword , and Flange;  think about?  Did "They"  did do this  Yesterday , the years before? Yes or NO. Why would they do it , today? Why would a city,that has a money making monument take food out of their mouths? Who could behind this, maybe France, I bet someone in Europe plan this out to a tee. I know one thing, the items taking are taking with the purpose to Hurt Haiti Conscious community and as "usual" with "them" to humiliate, degrade and devalue Haiti and Her peoples as if; showing Haitian eating mud, starving kids, in all the dirt part of Haiti wasn't enough to the world. Now, this is a crime, like all the other crimes done to Haiti history in Her people memory.   What I am  mad at is the lie on Hard working peoples in Haiti, who I have seem with metal sheets, putting dents in them. grrr it burn , when lies are being told on a nation, who hands are clean "when" it comes to seeking ones light in this realm. Remeber, as if   Haiti branded the poorest in the western hemisphere, and also the  sentence of poverty on Haiti was enough,  Now all of Haiti Historical artifact has to be mess with . Hell 90% of our History stolen from Haiti, in 70% of all our Monument had been destroy on PURPOSE .
gesh, I am piss leave a comment.

POVERTY is a Business.

 First let "me" start this blog off by saying , POVERTY is a business. What are the methods, use to market this product? Pulling on peoples heart strings; by showing hungry dirty kids, adults down in out of "their"  luck, as a means to  make money.  Keep in mind , those commericals "you" see on television are not cheap, magazine, newspaper, billboard, and the ones you hear on the radio. Did you are stop in ask, yourself "how, much is this ad costing that charity /NGO's?" Yeah, I know "some" people just have a soft spot in their heart for people having a hard time. Did you ever realize or notice the language use for marketing  the poor, who are victims of their government system being gutted out, and privatize to death. Keep in mind, most of these so call third world countries, had their government system gutted, surplus product from the so call first world dump on their markets. I don't claim to know, every third countries out there but I can speak for mines "Haiti". Can you imagine "we" once had train tracks,  our own sugar mill, rice, flour, what the heck "FOOD" clothes,medicine and etc., but now, NONE all due to adjustment policies.  You see, News station are quick to make a quick plug for a charity/NGO's organization, showing horrible image of the country that muddy the image of the nation up. I believe this is done on purpose; I don't believe or buy this nonsense it's cause they care for the poor of another country "as" if their country don't have areas that need to be work on too.  Nope, it's a business, a real business earning hardcore cash. Most peoples don't realize or even notice that big charities /NGO's organization has got a serious marketing department, like all major corporation out there. You see, I grow outside of Haiti. I recall seeing "some" of the most horrible image of Haiti on television. I mean down out , sinister at sometime, as if Haitian had an inferior issues or something was wrong with their brains. Than I went to Haiti, for first time after living outside of Haiti for almost two decades. 1. I saw  loads of NGO's shiny cars , driving around. I mean they look like they just came straight out the dealer. I shook my head. 2 some of the location for "some" of these charities  was in the lux part of the town/city, with all modern accommodations. 3. They had a view of the Haitian "being" inferiors, you can see it in their faces and plus you can hear them speak of the locals like they are brain dead. So, much for helping the poor. They sure didn't leave their racist ways home. I find it to be funny, that these peoples are view as employers not Charities in Haiti. In You can find food for the poor notebooks, pencil and etc., items sold all throw out Haiti .  It goes like this : a store owner would buy the  items, from a middle man from food for the poor and sell it on the street corner or in their store. In once the media get hold of the poor business men/women selling these items; rather than tell the story. What they do is spin it so that Haiti, peoples can look more like the problem, when it's them. Beside all they do is make the poverty worse because it's their product they pimp for cash.
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* A Haiti and Haitian friendly site.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Haiti quake victims, "give yourself two slap, and life continue."

Delmas is starting to kick, people out of the camp. Before , any of the readers "misjudge" my character. Let me start off by stating, "Did the 1.5 million people , sleeping on the street, get housing or resource to rebuild their lifes over again. YES or NO." So, therefore  if they didn't, what makes people think "that" letting them sleep on the street in public space is the solution. You know and I know it, the peoples are not going to get jack crap, therefore they need to be kick, out off those camp ground.  Like the Haitian proverbs say, give yourself two slap and life continue. Now, is the time that Haiti quake victims , understand that powerful proverbs , give yourself two slap and live continue. Yeah, I know "the case" is going to be made, for NGO's "who" fest on Haiti poverty for mad cash. Every time they fest, it's on Haiti pain and lack of unity. I know they are going to , hit their goons "who" owner newspaper in have them , run story that pull on the hearts of weak gullible fools.  In "it"  will read like this: How sad, and heartbreaking "that" those poor quake victims are being kick out of those camp ground, without a pot to piss in. Let, me ask you "who" was making money of those people, sleeping in those condition, not fit for a dog. The same NGO's that are going to call their friends with media outlet to demonize the Haitian government. When they know, it's them "who" drop the ball and have done so for a long time. Understand, Haiti had 10thousand NGO's pre-quake. gesh, Haiti had 54 thousand NGO's in her belly, in she was the poorest in the western hemisphere. Strange, I know. I agree in love the fact that , some of Haiti official are taking matters into their hands , by kicking those people "who" had fall for the pipe piper , song of rebuild. Sad , but  like the proverbs goes. Give yourself two slap,and life continue. Beside, having those vultures that feed on pain, lack of unity, and pulling on the human heart , pimping dire looking kids face, and package enough of their product call poverty.  Those peoples that are NGO's are 1 clueless to the real issues on the ground, 2. they are 100% detach from the pain, trails of the locals, 3they just don't know the geo-political atmosphere of Haiti, 4 they are monster that feed on , broking institution for a living. 5 they just can't relate , and never will 6, they have NO solution 7, they never had a solution 8 their true mission is not to stop poverty , but make it wrose in Haiti,  and that they did. 
Inclosing, inside hate of the NGO's system in Haiti, we hate this system with a passion cause it's not a solution but destroyer of abilities of native of Haiti in else where.  It may, not happen in my life time, but this NGO's  system will be wipe  off the face of the earth cause it's a Business their true mission is profit off nation lack of unity , among the misty of it's peoples, beside they are spy in lord knows, what else.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The day Pipe piper stop playing his song in Haiti.

The day Pipe piper stop playing his song in Haiti.
Here we are Thursday May 27,2010 Kafou Ayopo/Airport Intersection , Port-Au-Prince, camp grounds has had a force eviction by Haiti national police department. Some, would say this is horrible, dehumanizing, demoralizing, and also devalue Haiti quake victims life wroth. But I say this is great for the quake victims. Can "we" be realistic about the situation on the ground. The quake took place January 12, 2010 in Port-Au-Prince, Yes or No?. Now, did these camp quake victims get their homes, lives, body parts, and self wroth rebuild or back; Yes or NO? I understand the need to feel sorry for those quake victims but we must also admit after all those telethons, the peoples were still living in horrible condition. They were giving pipe dreams as if the pipe piper had visit Haiti for a day or two. Who fill their heads with this foolishness of rebuild, better in strong. But with what money? Think about it, 11 Billion with a B promise to Haiti. A whole year after the incident the peoples were still sleeping on the street, without a pot to piss in. The Haitian living oversea, jump for joy at the taught that America, Canada, Britain and a long time foe "FRANCE" would suggest that , they want to be part of the rebuild efforts in Haiti and plan to bring Haiti into the 21st century with all the building code, education, medical, infrustration, business and vision. Yes that sound like a nice Pipe Piper song, with a fancy hoke call, rebuild better and stronger. That's all the Haitian oversea, and the Haitian in the elite class in Haiti could hear and envision not the reality on the ground, which was code red from DAY 1. I don't mean to sound mean spirited, but if they couldn't build 500 thousand homes in 1year for the quake victims with 11billion dollars.What would make You think that 17 months later , that these peoples would be giving a "home" build for them , sometime in the future. does that make any sense to you? Or is this Just another Pipe Piper song, or a spell made with fairy dust, sprinkling all over the Haitian consciousness. Let's not get emotional , when we exam the whole situation. I know, the lives lost are to priceless to be replace. In that Haiti quake victims, will remain with many kinds of psychological after shock of that event but we must not lie to our selves or each other any long my Haitian Brothers and Sisters about the issues on the ground. When we can't create a make believe reality, If we do "than" Haiti lose and We lose as peoples; and worst the future Haitian generation unborn lose too. Yes or NO? I don't know , much but I do know . That same quakes victims were the same peoples , force out of the rural "via" sinister policies writing and put into place by the very same leaders that should, have been looking out for their best interest but wasn't. How many time has the Pipe Piper song his song for Haiti. I recall the Pipe Piper about a couple years ago , When Haiti had 4 hurricanes back to back song his song in the peoples got nothing. In worst, some peoples are still left without a home, long before the quake took place in Port-Au-Prince. The Pipe Piper caught a flight first class, to play his song "rebuild, better and stronger," donate for a better Haiti. Like all Pipe Piper dream the victims, always awaking from the spell. My only wish for this nation of mines call the Haitian nation is that we , as peoples learn to be honest with self, and understand the nature of the Pipe piper "that" we can see him coming a mile away, with his distortion of reality. SO, that when his goon are on pumping their propagandist nonsense, to silent our hurt with fairy dust. Pipe Piper: Haiti Proverb answer to you is, Slap yourself , two time in live continue.
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By Manuchca Francois

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Haitian" go to Haiti for Vacation.

I want every Haitian, to ask theirselvies "these" questions, next time he/she go on vacation to any country that is NOT call Haiti.
1. How much did I spend in that area/country?
2. What portion of my money; has generated "MONEY" for local businesses all due to my vacation?
3.How much income, did my tourism trip generate for households and businesses in that area/country?
4. How many jobs in that area/country did my Vacation support?
5. How much tax revenue was generated from my vacation?

income in an area,   within  tourism  --lodging, restaurants,transportation, amusements, and retail trade .
here is what tourism could do to Haiti economy: A simple tourism impact scenario illustrates. Let’s say a region attracts an additional 100 tourists, each spending $100 per day. That’s $10,000 in new spending per day in the area. If sustained over a 100 day season, the region would accumulate a million dollars in new sales. The million dollars in spending would be distributed to lodging, restaurant, amusement and retail trade sectors in proportion to how the visitor spends the $100. Perhaps
30% of the million dollars would leak out of the region immediately to cover the costs of goods purchased by tourists that are not made in the local area (only the retail margins for such items should normally be included as direct sales effects). The remaining $700,000 in direct sales might yield $350,000 in income within tourism industries and support 20 direct tourism jobs. Tourism industries are labor and income intensive, translating a high proportion of sales into income and corresponding jobs (Stynes, 1998).
Now, Imagine if the Haitian living outside of Haiti, would go to Haiti every year for vacation. What that could and would do for the economy of Haiti. Let's see, Economic benefits and costs of tourism reach virtually everyone in the region in one way or another. How is that, Tourism activity also involves economic costs, including the direct costs incurred by tourism businesses, government costs for infrastructure to better serve tourists, as well as congestion and related costs borne by individuals in the community. positive benefit for Haiti, if we were to take are tourism dollars to Haiti, every year: Tourists contribute to sales, profits, jobs, tax revenues, andReference:
Economic Impacts of Tourism, Daniel J. Stynes
now, can you say, that for your native Home land Haiti? smh....
a pro Haiti  and Haitian site.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

who is Jean- Max Bellerive?

                                                            WHO IS Jean-Max Bellerive
Jean-Max Bellerive born 1958 in Port au Prince , Haiti;   to a prominent doctor, mother career unknown. Bellerive left Haiti , when he was 2 yrs old.  He has live and study in Switzerland, FranceBelgium., and Canda .Bellerive holds  a degree in Political Science and International Relations, Bellerive returned to Haiti in 1986, after 26 years of living out side of Haiti. He is married, and has two daughters, President Martelly cousins. The president that was elected in 2011.Bellerive  was  chief  head office of four primister of Haiti.
Haitian President René Préval, following the orders of a senate resolution, nominated Bellerive on October 30, 2009, to replace former Prime Minister Michèle Pierre-Louis A day before the nomination, on October 29, 2009, 18 senators of a 29-member senate had voted to dismiss Pierre-Louis on charges that she was performing poorly in leading Haiti's economic recovery efforts in the wake of the 2010 earthquake.
On May 15, 2011, Bellerive resigned as Prime Minister, so as to allow the country's new President, Michel Martelly, to choose his own Prime Minister. Martelly selected Daniel Gérard Rouzier to succeed Bellerive.

  1. reference : Miami Herald, May 15, 2011
  2. ^"Haitian Prime Minister Bellerive known as political surivor, technocrat". 2010-01-25. Retrieved 2010-07-30. 
  3. "Haiti president designates economist to be premier". Reuters. 2009-10-31. Retrieved 2010. 
  1. ^ Miami Herald, May 15, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Haiti tranny came home; under the pretext of helping Haiti.

 I was shock, Sunday 16, 2011 January. I woke up like many  Haitian  to the news, Haiti tranny came home; under the pretext of helping Haiti to get it's act together. I was wondering the minute , I heard Duvalier a.k.a baby doc; pretending to give a crap about Haitian lives. This is the same guy, who father was the ruler of Haiti, for almost 30 thirty years.  He became president at the age of 19 years old. Many Haitian like to bring up, his age as a factor to him not ruling Haiti correctly but not I. I've found that excuse to be coming from the Duvalier base. How can one explain, a person  who grew up with a father "who" was tranny and He became a tranny too. Seem like baby doc, was paying attention  to his father  total despot ways. I am not sure; rather me and the pro Duvalier fans came from two different Ayiti/Haiti. I recall moving to South Florida in the mid 80's and all the Haitian adult had fear in their hearts and soul. They were fearful to speak to others that would disrespect them; they install fear in the heart of their kids. My mother, would try her best to import the papa doc and baby doc  fear into me, unsuccessfully.  I couldn't explain,why my mother would tell me to,  "be careful with your mouth cause you can die; becareful how you look at peoples you can die."  i must of heard so many time you can die, if you do this and do that. so, I grew up Hating the Duvalier's for abusing their own peoples and for install fear in their hearts. They lost so much under the Duvalier's era; ground being clean, trash being pick up, school is nothing compare to fear, that was put into the peoples, til this very day they are a victims of it. after the Duvalier's were done, the peoples had stop fighting for their voice to be heard cause they learn it doesn't matter; how loud you cry, scream, and talk no one care. Why was their voice remove from them, who profit in this; is the question.  to make a long story short. I hate Duvalier guts. leave a message.