Saturday, December 18, 2010

The stigmatisation of the Haitian nation a.k.a "4-H Club".

**4-H Club**Every Haitian should know, what that club is.

Of course, so much that passes for science surrounding the "origin" of AIDS is nonsense and racist and reeks of disinformation - all in an attempt to cover up the MAN-MADE origin of HIV/AIDS ( 2007, Rense).

The discovery of AIDS in Haiti, help to brand "high-risk" to the Haitian-Americans, quickly led to a severe crippling of the Haitian tourist trade. U.S. scientists heavily promoted the theory that AIDS was brought to America by affluent, young promiscuous gays from Manhattan, who regularly traveled to Port-au-Prince and Carrefours "where" it was cheap and easy to have sex with Haitian men. Early in the epidemic, epidemiologists emphasized that AIDS was a homosexual disease acquired by the practice of anal-genital sex. The public was repeatedly informed that the "gay plague" was brought to America by Manhattan gays sodomized in Haiti ( 2007, Rense). 

In March,(1983) the CDC stated that,
"persons who may be considered at increased risk of AIDS include those with symptoms and signs suggestive of AIDS; sexual partners of AIDS patients; sexually active homosexual or bisexual men with multiple partners; Haitian entrants to the United States; present or past abusers of IV drugs; patients with haemophilia; and sexual partners of individuals at increased risk for AIDS."
That was their exact statement; in front of the world. You notice, that "there" is only one group or better yet one particular nation highlighted here. In what is their name,  Ayititan/Haitian. But for some strange reason the "same" report also stated , "each group contains many persons who probably have little risk of acquiring AIDS... Very little is known about risk factors for Haitians with AIDS."42
*Nevertheless, the "inclusion" of Haitians as a risk group caused much controversy. Haitian Americans complained of stigmatisation, officials accused the CDC of racism, and Haiti suffered a serious blow to its tourism industry.43 44 Before long people were talking colloquially of a "4-H Club" at risk of AIDS: homosexuals, haemophiliacs, heroin addicts and Haitians.45 46 Some people substituted hookers for
  world wide people started to believe and think , If you were "not" part of the "4-H-Club" you was straight. It's Even funny, that the club was 4-H, Ayiti become Haiti in The western countries , due to the Fact they couldn't pronounce the country name correctly. Isn't it funny, that club ; would be 4-H or is suppose to be sublimely 4-Haitian.
If you want to  see how this rumor stay alive,  than visit this here, which the reader is ask to take the information provide more accurate than their doctors.
This debilitating liver disorder, caused by a virus, strikes the same groups as AIDS: homosexuals, Haitians, intravenous drug users, hemophiliacs and recipients of blood transfusions. It is known to be carried in body fluids, including blood, semen, saliva,
sweat and mucus. Could AIDS also be a virus, transmitted in the same manner?(Newsweek / April 18, 1983, MEDICINE) could writing like possible, have shape the minds of millions of peoples around  to the to 4-H club. You have to admit there are more writing about 4-H Club , when it comes to AIDS.

RESULTS: In 2007, Haitian-born persons constituted 1.2% of US AIDS cases, yet accounted for 0.18% of the total US population based on the American Community Survey estimates, which suggests a seven-fold overrepresentation in the CDC AIDS surveillance data. However, when using population estimates from the Haitian Consulate, the overrepresentation ranges from three-to-four-fold, which is similar to the AIDS rate for blacks/African-Americans.
CONCLUSION: The importance of having accurate denominators to estimate the AIDS rate for the Haitian population is paramount (Marc LG, Patel-Larson A, Hall HI, Hughes D, Alegría M, Jeanty G, Eveillard YS, Jean-Louis E; National Haitian-American Health Alliance.)
 Even til this very day, You find the "4-H club" just refine; this foolishness will only end "when" Haitian take their brand serious. You can go to CDC right now, in see refine 4-H club here fellow this link scroll down in you see, that the 4 H-Club is refine. 
 Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, has always accuse the Haitian nation for bring AIDS to America. Let's see what Michael Worobey, who is an "evolutionary biologist" who work  at the University of Arizona, and colleagues, who have  analyzed" five blood samples" Yes five blood samples, which  they  collected in 1982 and 1983 from Haitian HIV/AIDS patients in Miami that had been frozen and stored by CDC (Chong, Los Angeles Times, 10/30).
Worobey;  that beleieve that  Haitians AIDS are genetically the most similar to the African virus, ok. Why wouldn't; the Haitian, HIV disease "not" be similar to African, when  Haitian are "African" LOL and most Haitian are 100% African in DNA.   Michael Worobey, claim this  prove that  Haitian AIDS viruses are among the earliest .  SO, a whole nation is going to stigmatize over "five blood sample." Gesh, these guys "sure" are genuis.The researchers found a 99.7% certainty that HIV subtype B originated in Haiti. All disease rather it be be AIDS, any other  kind ,will take on particular markers of the group "that's" effective with it, that's common sense. let's continue to looking into this fool, who claim that Haiti is the origin of AIDS.
Worobey concluded that the virus was brought to Haiti by Haitians who traveled to the Democratic Republic of Congo after it became independent in 1960. He added that the virus was then carried to the U.S. by Haitian immigrants between 1966 and 1972 (Los Angeles Times, 10/30).
 Worobey, believe an unknown Haitian immigrant likely arrived in a large U.S. city, such as New York or Miami, and the virus circulated in the U.S. population and then to other nations before it was discovered. The mutation timeline of the virus presented in the study places the virus in the U.S. about 12 years before the disease was recognized by scientists in 1981, Reuters reports (Reuters, 10/29).
 * my problem is, who is this unknow Haitian immgrate. If ya'll want to see , why this rumor won't die than ya'll need to read Michael Worobey , pseudo scinece on How Haiti give AIDS to the world cause that is who research that is being to back this foolisheness up.

No doubt, experts will continue to provide "official" and unofficial theories about Haitian AIDS. It is possible that some day these stories will be among the biggest "fairy tales" ever reported in the medical literature ( 2007,Rense ).

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 The Hsitory of  AIDS up to 1986,
 HIV Arrived in U.S. From Haiti 10 Years Earlier Than Previously Believed, Study Says,
Newsweek / April 18, 1983. MEDICINE.
Marc LG, Patel-Larson A, Hall HI, Hughes D, Alegría M, Jeanty G, Eveillard YS, Jean-Louis E; National Haitian-American Health Alliance.
 Rense. 2007.

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